studio di comunicazione e design studio di comunicazione e design
Bucci Composites Packaging design per comunicare l’engineering del carbonioBucci Composites Packaging design per comunicare l’engineering del carbonio

Bucci Composites
Packaging design to convey the engineering in carbon fibers

Cabriolet designed the new sampling system dedicated to Bucci Composites’ different carbon fibres. A compact and flexible design, black and orange background colours convey the brand’s technical attitude. The kit is composed of a series of cases containing small samples of carbon finishes aimed at the automotive market.

Bucci Composites is a company based in Faenza, in the heart of Emilia Romagna, land of the MOTOR VALLEY. A leader in the production of carbon fibre parts, it has a distinguished customer base in the automotive, naval, and aerospace sectors. Bucci Composites, a brand of the Bucci Industries SPA group, is a constantly expanding manufacturing entity with over 250 employees and 3 production sites.