studio di comunicazione e design studio di comunicazione e design

Group company profiles. New business

Copy strategy | Brand positioning | Concept | Graphic design | Newsletter | Logo | Art direction
Logo La Fenice
Logo Gigacer
Catering & Banqueting

Group company profiles. New business

Copy strategy | Brand positioning | Concept | Graphic design | Newsletter | Logo | Art direction

Fenice Catering is a renowned Italian brand whose high-quality catering has been its prestige and logistics its great power, for over 30 years and counting.
We have structured a new company profile through IT Company, a Co-marketing project involving other Italian brands in the industry.
Over the years we have collaborated with La Fenice on various design projects: from its logo to its corporate identity, from newsletters to promotional brochures and loose-leaf booklets.

Logo e Payoff

Logo e Payoff

Brochure a schede


Company profile

Company profile